+Ouseb (+Oaseb), Julius * ?, ? † . 1924: Poennighaus hat zwei neue Evangelisten Julius +Oaseb [sic] (Bergdamara) und Michael [sic] Wimmer.1 "Vorstand" suggests Julius +Ouseb to travel to Barmen for the 100. jubilee of RMS in 1928. Permission was granted by the Administration for one Damara and one Nama Evangelist, no permission for a Herero or Bastard Evangelist.2 Married: Children: Education: Other family members connected to RMS: Mission Stations: History with the RMS: 1 AVEM RMG 2.533b Halbjahresbericht 1.4.-30.9.1924 Poennighaus. 2 RMG 2.619:91. --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------