Mutjinde, Gottlieb * 1896, Omaruru † . Baptized: 1896. Confirmed: 1914. Mother language: Herero. Other languages: Afrikaans. Completed Std. III. Evangelist course: 1961-1962. Retired on the 01.01.1968.1 "Herrn Gottlieb Hijakarijaukua Mutjinde, Diakon der Dutch Reformed Church, Witbank, P.O. Ellis Ras, Transvaal. Mutjinde ist der Sohn von Asser Mutjinde. Asser war der Sohn der Schwester des Otjimbingwe-Häuptlings Zacharias Zeraua und Kirchenältester in Omaruru."2 A Group of Herero, of Herero, who did not move back to Botswana from Westtransvaal, setteled in Ellis Ras, near Witbank. The joined the NGK, because there was no lutheran Church in the vicinity. Amongst them the Evangelist Gottlieb Mutjinde worked. Formerly he belonged to the group of Herero at Malokong, served by the BM. Some of the congregation workers are working in a local store or other places in Ellis Ras. Mutjinde speaks Sutho, Pedi, Tswana, Afrikaans and a little bit English. The congregation members all speack Afrikaans. "Interessanterweise befürchten manche der Herero jedoch eine Verderbung ihrer Sprache [...]. Deshalb bat schon 1938 G.H. Mutjinde Herrn Missionar Kuhlmann schriftlich um Bücher in der Hererosprache, die er auch erhielt, und zudem um die Herausgabe eines Herero-Wörterbuches. Denn die jetzige Generation spreche leider kein reines Herero mehr, sondern mische Worte anderer Sprachen mit hinein." [Schlosser traf Frau Kuhlmann zum Gespräch].3 Bestand: Katesa _Schlosser Signatur: PA.44 II.32 Titel: Korrespondenz mit Gottlieb Mutjinde Laufzeit/Datierung/Jahr: 1955 - 1956 Sprachen: Englisch Deskriptoren: Ethnographie Regionen / Länder: Botsuana; Malawi; Namibia; Südafrika; Tansania; Transvaal (historischer Begriff) Klassifikation: Korrespondenz " Schriftdokumente " PA.44 Katesa Schlosser " Personenarchive (PA) " UUID: a75048d6-4e04-581e-9abb-525395fb9906 Zugänglichkeit: Gemäss Archivordnung / According to archive regulations Erste Kontakt mit Gottlieb Mutjinde in einem Brief von KS vom 07.06.1955. GMs Antwort vom 27.06.1955: (P.A.44.II.32.2) Arbeitete für BMS 1914, unter Gottfried Beyer und H. Zimmermann in Malekeng MaPelas' Location District. (Mutjinde: P.P.Rust.) [sic]. "I am now act a head Evangelist, but under the other.[...]" Er unterschreibt mit G. H. Mutjinde. In einem Brief vom 22.01.1956 schreibt er an Schlosser: "P.O. Ellis Ras Via Vaalwater Tvl. I received your full tree letters indlosed 2 Air Mail envelopes. Still requesting me to recapitulate to re-historie, the same as I done before. Hope they are appresiated while still needed more and more. Dear Doctor! I am tired of doing such heavy job incase of having no chance. As am starting to work early in the morning about 7.30 A.M. up to 5.30 P.M. This is why will take me a long time before answering your questions. Secondly our communicative terrifyded me by your word. "It is dangeraous" for you to give me such excellent informations. Well! In case of knowing not where will the danger comes from and who will make a danger I am getting or filling ((feeling)) a fear of that unmentioned danger. What so ever I will try to do only to answer your questions from Letter A-Q, mixed letters with figures from No. 1-5 and i beg you please to be the last continuations of Herero History. In regard to give you details of my life in letter. I was borned in 1896 in Place called Omaruru S.W.A. Spented by youth at Groot- fontein, Tvl. I walked on foot from S.W.A. up to Trvl. My chief Michael did not reach Tvl. went just as fas as S.W.A.-Place called Tawana turned back to his land thogh his foes till he reach Walfishby with some more of his followers. While Samuel Maharero with his and Michaels group went across Kalahari desert to Tawana - B.P. - Transvaal. First settled at Groenfontein as I first staited. Yes, I once worked in mines, in Witwatersrand, in 1924 in Mine called Village Deep and Turf Mine, underground. And at West Rand Consalted Mine near Krugersdorf, on suface. No, my parents did not come to Tvl. both. Only my father came in Tvl. my means of being commanded by chief Michael to return an Englishman fled with us from our mid way to desert to Walfishbay Escorted him with some of Herero`s soldiers. From reception of an Englishman by his neighbours at Walfishbay. Sailed on sea to Cape Town with other Michaels group to Johannesburg while Michael was already there with his first group. Is where they met together. Father died at Germinston. Michael dies at Krugersdorp. Mother who came with me on feet freom desert just arrived at Tawana and died there. I was living at Groenfontein and being taken by Rev'd G. Beyer, for going and attend the SePedi School an to be confirmed in (Seite 2) in MaPela's Location where he was staying as I stated you before. Samuel and Michael's people didn't live in MaPela's Location. But just in a farm called Groenfontein in Potgietersrust Districts where the Government allowed them to settle there in one farm but apart 2 groups. Samuel Maharero took his people when left Tvl. to B.B. We did not join him because we are not his people. My wife is belong to Michaels tribe. I have not a single child since I married my wife in 1935. I did'nt tell you anything about my daughter's marriage who will leave to Mahalapye. My wife's parents came the same way we came to Tvl. and My wife borned in Tvl. I went to school at place called Bochabelo Seminary near Middle- berg in 1914. The year when war between German and Englishmen took place. Sent by Rev'd G. Beyer to School where I learned only a little bid of English. That School was Lutheran Berlin Mission's Religious School clossed seen by war. I am now a member an Deacon under an Evangelist in Nederduitse Gereformeerde Sending Kerk acting with all Hereros in this Church, gaining nothing out of this job, leaving ((living)) by working in Mid-week-farmer's work and hold savior's word on Sunday, etc. with no solaries." [Unterstreichung im Original] Married: Married to Milka (no surname recorded) in 1935. She was born in 1907 in Transvaal.4 Gehörte zur Otjiherero-Gruppe um Michael Tjiseseta, Omaruru.5 Children: Die Ehe mit Milka blieb kinderlos. Education: Other family members connected to RMG: Mission Stations: Congregations: Omatjette 1962- Omaruru no year recorded.6 History with the RMG: 1 AELCRN Cardsystem of the co-workers, n.N. 2 Schosser 1955:201. 3 Schlosser 1955:220. 4 AELCRN Cardsystem of the co-workers, n.N. 5 BAB PA.44 II.32 Brief G. Mutjinde an Schlosser. 6 AELCRN Cardsystem of the co-workers, n.N. --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------