Witbooi, Lukas * ?, ? † . baptized 6.10.1907, Gabis (probably for the second time, this time by the RCM) "Ont that 6 October he [Father Malinowsky, Oblates of St. Francis de Sales] baptised three persons, Lukas Witbooi, his granddaughter, Rachel Witbooi, and Margarita Kaffer. Lukas Witbooi was a Protestant. His father had been a zealous elder in the Lutheran Church. After his father's death Lukas carried on preaching and rendering small services to the people among whom he lived. During the three-year war with the Germans Lukas followed Morenga everywhere. Morenga loved to sing. Each time they had won a victory over the enemy he wanted Lukas to intone a hymn, which the latter took from his small hymn book. After the conclusion of peace Lukas was obliged to move to Gabis with other Bondelswart."1 Lukas Witbooi became a "diligent" catechist and interpreter of Father Augus Auner at Gabis.2 Married: Children: Children: Hans Witbooi (baptised by Father August Auner, Oblates of St. Francis de Sales, on 15 August 1914 (??))3 Education: Other family members connected to RMS: Auf der 7. Ordentlichen Synod in Otjimbingwe vom 27.09.-01.10.1976 berichtet der Präses, dass Pastor Sidney Witbooi sein Amt als Pastor niedergelegt hat und auch nicht von der Kirchenleitung zu einem anderen Beschluss umgestimmt werden konnte. Ihm wird angeboten, jederzeit bei seiner Rückkehr wieder in den Dienst der ELK aufgenommen zu werden.4 Mission Stations: History with the RMS: 1 Beris I n.D.:108 citing "Journal de la Mission St. Joseph de Gabis, 9-10 (Chron. Gabis)" 2 Beris I n.D.:108 citing "Journal de la Mission St. Joseph de Gabis, 21 (Chron. Gabis)" 3 Beris I n.D.:108 citing "Journal de la Mission St. Joseph de Gabis, 21 (Chron. Gabis)" 4 AELCRN "Synodes 1976, 1978, 1979" n.N. --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------