Dausab (sen.), Daniel * ca. 1820/1830, ? † after 1912, ?. Zeitgenosse von Klein-Hendrik. Olpp (sen.) writes: "Mein Zögling Daniel Dausab, den ich vom Kap mit ins Land brachte, wurde nach der Ankunft des Präses [...] dem Missionar Schroeder zu Keetmannshoop beigegeben."1 (Fußnote bei Möhlig: Daniel Dausab ging später als Lehrer nach Hoachanas. Im Machtkampf um die Herrschaft im Namaland ab 1886 wurde er zum Gegner Hendrik Witboois.) Dausab (sen.), Daniel, Sohn von Gert Dausab, nach seiner Taufe durch RMG Missionar Vollmer in Hoachanas Ausbildung im Lehrerseminar der Herrnhuter Brüdergemeinde in Gnadental/Kapland, nach einjähriger Ausbildung als Lehrer der RMG in Berseba tätig.2 Hoachanas had no RMS missionary from 1866-1874. Heider went there as the missionary, and Daniel Dausab was send to him by the Conference to support him in his work.3 In 1876 the branch station Hatsamas was established and Daniel Dausab send there.4 Daniel Dausab had to leave his settlement at Hatsamas when the Herero - due to the big draught in 1877 - moved there with their big cattle herds.5 Daniel Dausab and his father Gert were at the deathbed of their missionary Heider on the 16.06.1881 in Hoachanas and prayed, "[...] schrieen noch am Todtenbette zum Herrn [...]".6 In 1891 the RMS station Hoachanas was abandoned by Judt, when the Red Nation joined forces with the Herero and attacked Gibeon. According to BRMG, Daniel Dausab, in which Judt had put so much hope, had declared that the country was only for members of the Red Nation and he supported the co-operation with the "heathen" Herero against the Nama and Bastard.7 (Compare also Dausab, Daniel. Attached to the mission station at Hoachanas between 1867 (1869?) an d 1905, mostly as schoolteacher. Timotheus Snewe's borther-inlaw, he was brought by Olpp from the Cape as a young man or boy. As from 1890, the missionaries commented on Dausab's strong anti-Witbooi (and anti-German) feelings and vanishing interest in mission work. Apparently Dausab's final withdrawal for the mission led Judt to close the station in late 1891. It seems that Dausab's anti-Witbooi feelings let him to mobilise several Herero chiefs to attack the Witbooi community in Gibeon in October 1891. According to Olpp, Dausab became a "Witkam" and follower of Witbooi shortly afterwards; the timing of this is not clear, and the precise context of his correspondence with Snewe recorded in the Journal could not be reconstructed. He left Hoachanas by the end of 1894, a dissatisfied "cripple" who was no longer interested in working for the mission. In 1904 both he and Johannes joined Stuurman and Hendrik Witbooi."8) In 1900 the wife of Judt became seriously ill and had to travel back to Germany. Judt accompanied his wife to the habour but remained in Namibia. During his absence from Hoachanas, Daniel Dausab (sen.) and his son Daniel Dausab (jun.) were in charge of the congregation and did this job "[...] quiet well [...]".9 After 01.05.1905 RMS missionary Judt left Hoachanas and Niemeyer became his successor. Niemeyer stayed in Hoachanas until the 01.05.1907, after which he settled in Keetmanshoop. He appointed Daniel Dausab (sen.??) as the "Filialeleiter" for Hoachanas.10 Niemeier opened the "Erziehungsheim für halb-weiße Kinder" in Keetmansnoop.11 "Daniel Dausab ist ja ein alter Schulmeister, doch ist er seit langer Zeit abgesetzt, da sein Lebenswandel nicht seines Amtes würdig war. Über sein Betragen in der letzten Zeit, seit ich ihn kenne, kann ich nicht klagen. Er hat doch in der letzten Zeit Demütigungen erfahren und ich hoffe, dass er sie für sich zum Segen stimmen lässt und daß er die Mahnungen beherzigt klein zu bleiben und immer kleiner zu machen." When Niemeyer left, he placed Daniel Dausab under the supervision of the German farmer Herforth, who rented the mission house for 300 Mark per year12 "Er ist ein alter Schulmeister, der längere Zeit abgesetzz war, doch in der letzten Zeit sich so gehalten hat, daß man glaubte, ihm das Vertrauen schenken zu können. Er hält Schule, gibt Taufunterricht und leitet Sonntags den Gottesdienst, so gut er kann.13 Evangelist Klein-Hendrik Witbooi mentions the old Daniel Dausab, together with his missionaries, in his famous letter from Dschang/Cameroon: "[...] Ich habe zweimal Briefe von Ihnen empfangen, den ersten Brief in Duala, den zweiten in Dschang. Auch habe ich von dem Befindendem und den Wünschen meines alten Lehrvaters Herrn Olpp und vom alten Daniel Dausab gehört. Dafür sage ich dem Herrn herzlichen Dank. [...] Diesen Brief möge der Herr doch abschreiben und allen anderen, die auch etwas von unserem Befinden hören möchten, zuschicken Herrn Olpp, Herrn Simon, Herrn Wandres, auch an Daniel Dausab, ebenso an Herrn Spellmeyer." (Brief von Hendrik Witbooi an Missionar Hermann Hegner, 22.12.1912).14 1909 wird Hoachanas Filial von Rehoboth und von "[...] bejahrten Lehrer Daniel Dausab, einem alten Gnadenthaler Schüler [...]" bedient.15 * Hâb, † 1710; 1695-1710 * ?Khomab ?Hâmab, † 1725; 1710-1725 * ?Khaub gaib?Khomab; 1725-1740 * Ô-?nâib ?Khaumab; 1740-1755 * |Hanab ?Ô?nâimab; 1755-1770 * !Gaob |Hanamab; 1770-etwa 1800 * Gaméb !Gaomab; etwa 1800-1814 o Gomes; etwa 1800 * Tsawúb Gamab; 1814-1824 * !Na-khom Gamab; 1824-1840 * Oasib Cornelis !Na-khomab; 1840-1867 * Barnabas Goraxab ?Oasmab; 1867-1878 * |Gôbeb ?Goraxab; 1878-1881 * Manasse !Noreseb Gamab; 1881-1905 leadership was disputed, and he was deserted by many of his people who joined Hendrik Witbooi. 1885 protection treaty with the Germans (Generalkonsul Gustav Nachtigal, Seine agents Hoepfner und Carl Büttner.) The Kai//Khaun joined the Witboois against the Germans in 1905. Manasse died in a battle against the Germans, 250 women and children surrendered, the rest of his people fled over the boarder. * Frib (Fritz Lazarus) !Hoëb ?Oasmab, † 1936; 1922-1936 moved away from Hoachanas to the Fish River in the 1880's * Noach Tsai-Tsaib, * 1868, † 1949; 1936-1949 * Matheus Kooper, † 1986; 1948-1986 * Petrus Simon Moses Kooper; seit 1986 ||Oasmab !Hoëb was the son of #Goraxab |Oasmab (Barnabas)(1867-1877), leader of a Kai||khaun (Red Nation) section which had split from the main body in the 1880s. He was the fourteenth in the genealogy of the Kai||khaun. The Kai||khaun's leadership by !Noreseb Gamab (Manasse) (1880-1905) was disputed, and he was deserted by many of his people who joined Hendrik Witbooi. In 1886 Moses Witbooi, perhaps in an attempt to check this movement, instituted !Hoëb ||Oasmab as Captain of Hoachanas. His mandate to do this remains obscure. !Hoëb had a considerable following, and moved away from Hoachanas to the Fish River. In October 1887 Hendrik Witbooi and !Hoëb with 80 of their warriors reached Gibeon in a bid to help Moses against Jan Visser, whereupon !Noreseb Gamab (Manasse) declared war on Hendrik Witbooi. However, it seems that !Hoëb's alliance did not outlast Moses' death in February 1888. Between November 1888 and April 1889 he campaigned against Hendrik Witbooi, joining forces on various occasions with the Veldschoendragers (||Hawoben), Jan Jonker, and !Noreseb Gamab (Manasse). Around 1889 !Hoëb ||Oasmab and his followers joined Witbooi again and were absorbed among his group of followers. He died at Hoachanas on 18.07.1936. He was followed by Noach Tsai-Tsaib (1936-1948). (Lau 1995:234; Chronology of Namibian History, 2003 (Dierks)) Married: Children: Education: Other family members connected to RMG: Christian Dausab attended the so called "second course" for teachers and Evangelists of Vedder at the Augustineum from 16.07.1926 (its actual commencing date) till the end of the teachers course on the 21.06.1929 and was send as a teacher to Keetmanshoop.16 Mission Stations: History with the RMG: 1 Möhlig 2007:128. 2 Altena 2001:444. 3 BRMG 1881:334. 4 BRMG 1881:334. 5 BRMG 1878:11. 6 BRMG 1881:338. 7 JBRMG 1891:17. 8 Heywood 1996:230. 9 JBRMG 1900:20. 10 RMG 2.504:53. 11 BRMG 1907:199. 12 RMG 2.504:20. 13 JBRMG 19087:27. 14 Möhlig 2007:304-306. 15 BRMG 1909:269. 16 AELCRN V 6.1:18. --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------