Goliath, Daniel ("Klein Daniel", Isaak) * 25.03.1887, ? † 24.03.1979, ?. Baumann, p. 92 "Pastor Daniël Goliath, die eerste nie-blanke leraar in Berseba" Detail of photo published in BRM 1949 Heft 1, description found in RMG 2.651a p. 171 The grave of Daniel Goliath at the graveyard in Berseba. "Oud pastoor Daniel Goliath 25.3.1887 - 24.3.1979" Daniel (Isaak) Goliath, (Nama) was not married when he joined the "Gehilfenseminar" in Gaub in 1911, came from Berseba.1 In December 1913 he was temporarily send to Bethanie see Liste ... AELCRN VIII 3.1-3.:138. According to Vedders` own accounts, he was send to Berseba, where Eisenberg was the local missionary. (AELCRN V 6.1:7). Attended the evangelist course in Lüderitz Jan. 1935 RMG 2.642 p. 140, Rust schreibt in seinem Halbjahresbericht April/September 1925, dass der Bericht über die Visitation des Schulinspektors in Berseba "zufriedenstellend" war.2 In October 1938 the long standing Kaptein (headman) of the Berseba people, Diederik Ruben Goliath, was deposed by the South African colonial Administration. As a successor the Administration envisaged two headmen, each of the two oposing sections within the Berseba community, one from the Isaak section and one from the Goliath section. Seemingly the Goliath group did not come up with a clear decision for a successor from their side. Amongst the candidates that were mentioned, was Daniel Goliath. The Welfare Officer took the final decision and appointed David Vries, as he found Daniel Goliath "[...] the Evangelist [...] unsuitable."3 Wird 1936 (zusammen mit zwei namentlich nicht genannten Ältesten) zum Evangelisten benannt, nachdem er schon seit 20 Jahren im RMS Schuldienst steht.4 War noch 1938 neben seinem Evangelisten-Tätigkeit im Schuldienst tätig, aber die Planung sah vor, dass er ab 1939 ganz in den Evangelisten-Dienst eintreten würde. (Jahresbericht 1938).5 On the 13.08.1947 the following co-workers were part of the congregation KEETMANSHOOP, BERSEBA, WARMBAD, AROAB. Name "Stamm" Rang Alter Born Dienstalter Started Platz Georg Cam B E (mit zeitlicher Sakramentsverwaltung) 66 1881 "unbekannt" Aroab, Coes, Distrikt Keetmanshoop Daniel Goliath N HE 61 1886 20 J Lehrer, 11 Jahre 1926 Berseba Salomon David Goliath N E (mit zeitlicher Sakramentsverwaltung) 62 1887 2 J Lehrer, 11 1945 Berseba - Schneefontein Thomas Tiboth N E 39 1908 10 J Lehrer, 6 1941 Berseba - Ganigobis Ernst Jager N E (mit zeitlicher Sakramentsverwaltung) 38 1907 12 1935 Karrasburg Ernst Kaffer N E 59 1888 2 1945 Warmbad Quelle: AELCRN I 3.5 Evangelisten konferenzen Listen von Evangelisten 1947-68 Mentioned as first black pastor. Went to Paulinum 1947B.(Baumann wrong, it was the pastors course in 1948), See a letter of missionary Rust in which he describes the accusations of Daniel Goliaths by Dietrich Goliath a teacher of Lüderitz. Dietrich accused Daniel that he had "unsauberen" contact with his wife Anna Goliath.6 Dietrich's wife Anna wanted to be divorced of him.7 Daniel Goliath "[...] helped very much that the people of Berseba stayed with our mission."8 "Nama" Conference1951 RMG 2.642 p.47r, Co-workers conference 1955 RMG 2.642 p. 027, Mitarbeiter der Südsynode im August 1957 Nachname Name Gemeinde Funktion Anzahl Kinder (<21J) /Goagoseb Hendrik Rehoboth Pastor 3 /Ui +Nuseb Frederik Mariental E 3 Adam David K'hoop HE 3 Alcock Gustav Rehoboth E 7 Awoseb Andreas K'hoop Diakon 6 Beukes Johannes Rehoboth Pastor 5 Boois Salomon Aranos HE 4 Boois Petrus Bethany E 1 Dausab Traugott Itsawisis HE 7 De Klerk Johannes Aroab HiE 5 Frederik Johannes Hammrevier E 0 Frederik Isaak Bethany E 6 Gariseb Franz Gochas E 2 Goliath Daniel Berseba Pastor 0 Goliath Samuel David Schneefontein E 1 Hanse Josef Stampriet Pastor 4 Isaak Cornelius K'hoop Pastor 6 Isaak Samuel H. Maltahöhe E 12 Isaak Salomon David Berseba E Unmarried Isaak Eduard Berseba HE - Ja Johannes Moses Maltahöhe E - Jager Ernst Karasburg HE 0 Jakob Isaak Mariental E 2 Kaffer Ernst Warmbad HE 0 Kahuika Jeremias Hoachanas E 4 Mungunda Willem Mariental HE 7 Nikodemus Abel K'hoop E 0 Petrus Adam Rehoboth E 7 Pieter Paul Gibeon HE 6 Snewe Lukas Lüderitz HE 8 Swartbooi Isaak K'hoop E 4 Tiboth Thomas Rehoboth HE 6 Quelle: Tötemeyer an Bitzer, 13.08.1957. AELCRN I 3.14 Korrespondensie Suidsinode. 1956-19642:123. Auf seiner Sitzung am 18.03.1957 beschließt der Vorstand der Südsynode, den hoofman Eduard Isaak als Hauptevangelisten in der Gemeinde Berseba anzustellen. Dies soll geschehen, nachdem er den Kursus in Karibib abgeschlossen hat. Er soll die Leitung der Gemeinde übernehmen, weil Pastor Daniel Goliath wegen Alter und Krankheit aus dem Dienst scheidet.9 Pensioniert um 1970.10 Married: First wife died in 1924 Married second wife in 1937: Magdalena Frederik born 30.1.1900 baptized 11.2.1900 confirmed in Berseba on 1.12.1918 Children: Daniel Isaak born 16.8.1942 (parents Joh. David and Katrina Isaak) Education: Other family members connected to RMG: Goliath, Isaak, (Nama) was not married when he joined the "Genhilfenseminar" in Gaub in 1911, came from Berseba.11 Dirk Goliath (Nama), born 1914 from Berseba, attended the full teachers "fourth course" at the teacherstraining seminary Augustineum in Okahandja from 30.01.1933 till 06.12.1935 and was appointed as a teacher from 03.02.1936 in Berseba.12 Christian Goliath (Nama) attended the "fifth course" of the Augustineum in Okahandja. He was from Berseba and born 1911. He attended 3 years school in Berseba and was confirmed in Berseba. He worked on a farm before coming to the Augustineum. He was not married when joining the course. He spoke Nama. He completed the course with the examination on the 02.12.1938 and was send as a teacher to the RMS mission school at Berseba.13 Daniel Goliath, der Gemeindeälteste stirbt am 26.10.1925 in Berseba.14 Mission Stations: History with the RMG: 1 AELCRN V 6.1:4. 2 RMG 2.506a:25. 3 Kössler 2005:149. Quoting SWAA 2080: A 460/4 Native Chiefs and Headmen. Gibion (1916-1954). Welfare Officer Tses and Berseba to NC of Keetmanshoop, 23.10.1938. 4 AELCRN n.N. Jahresberichte 1936, 1937 und 1938. 5 AELCRN n.N. Jahresberichte 1936, 1937 und 1938. 6 AELCRNVIII2.8PaulinumBriefe1948-1954 p. 291. 7 AELCRNVIII2.8PaulinumBriefe1948-1954 p. 289. 8 AELCRNVIII2.8PaulinumBriefe1948-1954 p. 289. 9 AELCRN I 3.14 Korrespondensie Suidsinode. 1956-19642:148. 10 AELCRN I 3.5 Evangelistenkonferenzen 1947-68. Listen von Evangelisten. 11 AELCRN V 6.1:4. 12 AELCRN V 6.1:33. 13 AELCRN V 6.1:38-39. 14 BRMG 1926:20. --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------