Kakunde, Eduard * ?, ? † . Kakunde, Eduard, was married when he joined the "Gehilfenseminar" in Gaub in 1911, came from Omaruru.1 After completing the full Evangelist training course in Gaub from 01.10.1911 to 1914, he passed the final examination on the 02.04.1914 in front of the examination commission consisting of Vedder, Präses Olpp, missionary Lang, mission farmer Detering and "Bezirksamtmann" von Zastrow. He was then send to Otjimbingwe, where Bernsmann was in charge.2 Moved to Otjimbinge together with his family on the 19.04.1914 after his training at Gaub. On 15.04.1915 the German Military gave the command that all blacks had to leave the settlement. Eduard Kakunde and his family moved to Omaruru AELCRN\ELCRNArchivVIII2.3AErhebung1918u1930 p. 30, According to the Churchbook of the Damara Congregation in Otjimbingw, Eduard Kakunde, his wife and the two children moved to Otjimbingwe from Gaub in June 1914. In the churchbook he is recorded as a "schoolteacher."3 Worked in Otjimbingwe under Bernsmann before coming to Grootfontein in 1914. Bernsmann testified that he did a good work in Otjimbingwe. ELCRNArchivVIII2.3AErhebung1918u1930 p. 39, Mentioned as "Schulgehilfe" and Pardey's stand-in if he is away from the missionstation for farmtrips. Translator for the Namacongregation. He received a salary of 45,00 Mark per month AELCRN\ELCRNArchivVIII2.3AErhebung1918u1930 p. 47, Married: Tusnelde Kakunde (she moved with Eduard Kakunde from Gaub to Otjimbingwe in June 1914).4 Children: Lisette Gerson (geb. in Omaruru)5 Education: Other family members connected to RMS: Mission Stations: History with the RMS: 1 AELCRN V 6.1:4. 2 AELCRN V 6.1:7: 3 AELCRN VI 25.2:300+301. 4 AELCRN VI 25.2:300. 5 AELCRN VI 25.2:301. --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------