Ndimuedi (Ndijuedi), Johannes * 1924, ? † . Member of the ELK (Rynse Sendingkerk) Synod 29.06. - 03.07.1970 in Otjimbingwe. Was a member of the Lüderitz congregation.1 Mentioned as evangelist who was present at the conference of evangelists in October 1971 in Okahandja,2 from Lüderitzbucht. Attended the refreshment course 1973 at Paulinum form 25.02. - 24.05.1973. He came from Windhoek.3 Married: Married on the 02.09.1952 to Salome Ndapenas Children: Hilina 29.08.1953 Daniel 29.08.1953 Jesaja 16.01.1960 Junius 15.08.1962 Hilka 17.11.1964 Hileni 04.10.1966 Johannes Pandukeni 06.03.19694 Education: Other family members connected to RMS: Mission Stations: Congregations: Lüderitz 1964-1972 Windhoek 1972- History with the RMS: 1 Vierde Sinodesitting van die Evangeliese Lutherse Kerk in Suidwes-Afrika (Rynse Sendingkerk). 2 Evangeliste-Konferensies 1968, 1971, 1973. Notule p. 5. 3 AELCRN VIII 2.16. 4 AELCRN Cardsystem of the co-workers, n.N. --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------