Dausab, Traugott * 26.05.1889, ? † . When missionary Laaf (who was stationed in Hoachanas in December 1920) returned to Germany in October 1922, Hoachanas became a branch-station of Gibeon. Spellmeyer, stationed in Gibeon, appointed Noach [sic] Tsei-tseib [sic] and Traugott Dausab as "Filialeleiter" in Hoachanas. On 06.07.1923 Spellmeyer visited the branch-station Hoachanas for the first time.1 1924 Spellmeyer mentions a certain "Ferienkurs", which was attended by Hendrik Witbooi [Klein Hendrik] and Traugott Dausab. (RMG 2.500a:50). Brother of Johannes Dausab (Keetmanshoop) and Daniel Dausab (Rehoboth) - both of whom joined the AMEC after the seccesion in 1946, while Traugott Dausab remained in the RMS mission church.2 "Teacher and evangelist" B. Pönnighaus visited Hoachanas (where no missionary was stationed at that moment and a possible resettlement of the inhabitants by the Administration was imminent) on one of his extended journeys through his district. He was greeted by Traugott Dausab. Mentioned as "Teacher-Evangelis(Skoolmeester-Evangelis)" "Gibeon-Hoachanas" Synod-South Keetmanshooop June 1938 RMG 2.642 p. 101, After the seccession of AMEC the pressure against Traugott Dausab became so strong, that missionary Mayer had to transfere Dausab away from Hoachanas.3 Mentioned by Spellmeyer as teacher-evangelist for Hoachanas in his statistics requested by Pönnighaus in 1939. AELCRNVIII2.2PaulinumKorrespondenz1936-1948p.36, On the 11.08.1947 the following co-workers were part of the congregation GIBEON Name "Stamm" Rang Alter Born Dienstalter Started Platz Josef Hanse D HE 55 1892 - - Maltahöhe Traugott Dausab N HE 58 1916 20 1927 Gochas Jakob Saul D WanderE 70 1877 40 1907 Stampriet Christof Kloete N WanderE 57 1890 25 1922 Kub Christian Vryman N OuderlingE 56 1899 20 1922 Kanzplatz Timotheus Tseitseib N OuderlingE 55 1895 15 1932 Hoachnas Klaas Isaak N OuderlingE 53 1897 4 1939 Hoachanas Quelle: AELCRN I 3.5 Evangelisten konferenzen Listen von Evangelisten 1947-68 1.EC 1948 RMG 2.642p.69, Attended the "Konferensie van die werkerkring van Gibeon." 12.-14.07.1949 in Gibeon.4 Mentioned as "Nama" EC Okahandja September 1951 RMG 2.642 p. 48, RMG 2.640b p. 113 date-listing of P. Jod, Co-workers conference 1955 RMG 2.642 p. 027, Mitarbeiter der Südsynode im August 1957 Nachname Name Gemeinde Funktion Anzahl Kinder (<21J) /Goagoseb Hendrik Rehoboth Pastor 3 /Ui +Nuseb Frederik Mariental E 3 Adam David K'hoop HE 3 Alcock Gustav Rehoboth E 7 Awoseb Andreas K'hoop Diakon 6 Beukes Johannes Rehoboth Pastor 5 Boois Salomon Aranos HE 4 Boois Petrus Bethany E 1 Dausab Traugott Itsawisis HE 7 De Klerk Johannes Aroab HiE 5 Frederik Johannes Hammrevier E 0 Frederik Isaak Bethany E 6 Gariseb Franz Gochas E 2 Goliath Daniel Berseba Pastor 0 Goliath Samuel David Schneefontein E 1 Hanse Josef Stampriet Pastor 4 Isaak Cornelius K'hoop Pastor 6 Isaak Samuel H. Maltahöhe E 12 Isaak Salomon David Berseba E Unmarried Isaak Eduard Berseba HE - Ja Johannes Moses Maltahöhe E - Jager Ernst Karasburg HE 0 Jakob Isaak Mariental E 2 Kaffer Ernst Warmbad HE 0 Kahuika Jeremias Hoachanas E 4 Mungunda Willem Mariental HE 7 Nikodemus Abel K'hoop E 0 Petrus Adam Rehoboth E 7 Pieter Paul Gibeon HE 6 Snewe Lukas Lüderitz HE 8 Swartbooi Isaak K'hoop E 4 Tiboth Thomas Rehoboth HE 6 Quelle: Tötemeyer an Bitzer, 13.08.1957. AELCRN I 3.14 Korrespondensie Suidsinode. 1956-19642:123. Meyer schlägt vor, Traugott Dausab zum 01.09.1958 zu pensionieren, weil der Ortsmissionar Kessler meint, dass Dausab nicht mehr in der Lage ist, seinen Dienst zu tun. Dausab will trotzdem gegen ein Entgelt oder kleines Gehalt weiter zur Verfügung zu stehen. Meyer schlägt der Missionsleitung statt einer einmaligen Zahlung eines Betrags eine Pensionszahlung von monatlich £ 3.-.-. ("Ich meine nicht, dass wir mehr als £ 3.-.- einzusetzten brauchen monatlich [...]."5 Dâusab, Traugott Gives a (typical?) description of the character of an evangelist.6 Mentioned in the list AELCRNVIII2.11A1963-65 "Medewerkers van die Evangelies-Lutherse Kerk in SWA (Rynse Sendingkerk) Jan. 1963". The list states that he was in the service of the ELK since 1957. The list has however a question mark under "Waar werksaam in 1963", In his report to the 10th Ordinary Synod of the ELK in SWA in Otjimbingwe, 24.-29.09.1983, the preses informed the Synod that "Oudevangelis" T. Dâusab (Tses) had died during the last two years since this report.7 Married: Children: Education: Other family members connected to RMG: Christian Dausab attended the so called "second course" for teachers and Evangelists of Vedder at the Augustineum from 16.07.1926 (its actual commencing date) till the end of the teachers course on the 21.06.1929 and was send as a teacher to Keetmanshoop.8 Mission Stations: History with the RMG: 1 RMG 2.504:53. 2 Schlosser 1958:103. 3 Schlosser 1958:103. 4 AELCRN XIX 1 Evangelists Conferences 1930-1973:n.N. 5 AELCRN I 3.16 The Southern Synod. Correspondence. 1961-1964. 6 RMG 2.642 p. 070r 7 AELCRN "Sinode 1981+1983". n.N. 8 AELCRN V 6.1:18. --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ --------------- ------------------------------------------------------------